ACCIONA is a Business Accelerator Center and part of the Latina Economic Empowerment Program of the Latin American Association. ACCIONA is fully committed to support new startups and early-stage businesses to succeed in a comprehensive manner. The sole purpose of ACCIONA is to help Latina entrepreneurs upscale and empower their businesses through technical assistance, one-on-one mentorships, marketing, training, access to capital, networking and technology. It’s located at The LAA Headquarters.
Who can participate in ACCIONA?
Latina enterpreneurs, start-ups and business owners in the state of Georgia who graduated from the Latina Enterpreneurship Program, Avanzando Juntas! or those that can demostrate the following basic requirements:
- A Georgia business registration (License)
- A Business Plan
- A 3 years financial statements
What we offer?
If your business is accepted into the accelerator, as a member of ACCIONA you will receive multiple resources to support the growth of your business. Based on the membership you will have access to the following benefits:
– ACCIONA Executive Membership ($150 – $250 monthly)
It’s a year membership for Latina small business owners who needs a rental space.
- Mentor interaction opportunities
- Access to a customer service digital platform
- Opportunities to engage in monthly workshops
- Conference room availability
- Preferential participation in networking events, seminars and workshops
- Accesibility to LAA’s conference room up to three times per year
- Participation in the ACCIONA business directory
- Office rental for one year
– ACCIONA Business Membership ($50 monthly)
It’s a year membership for small business owners who have a workspace elsewhere and are looking for floating rental space and technical assistance, training and mentorship.
- Mentor interaction opportunities
- Access to a customer service digital platform
- Opportunities to engage in monthly workshops
- Conference room availability
- Preferential participation in networking events, seminars and workshops
- Accesibility to LAA’s conference room up to three times per year
- Participation in the ACCIONA business directory
- Office rental up to 4 hours per week
– ACCIONA Gold Star Membership ($30 montly)
It’s a year membership for small business owners who have a workspace elsewhere and are looking for technical assistance, training and mentorship opportunities
- Mentor interaction opportunities
- Access to a customer service digital platform
- Opportunities to engage in monthly workshops
- Participation in the ACCIONA business directory
- Preferential participation in networking events, seminars and workshops
The Business center will evaluate the applications, interview and invite selected members.
APPLY TO ACCIONA using the following link:
For additional information please contact: Gerardo Lopez at