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ACCIONA is a Business Accelerator Center and part of the Latina Economic Empowerment Program of the Latin American Association. ACCIONA is fully committed to support new startups and early-stage businesses to succeed in a comprehensive manner. The sole purpose of ACCIONA is to help Latina entrepreneurs upscale and empower their businesses through technical assistance, one-on-one mentorships, marketing, training, access to capital, networking and technology. It’s located at The LAA Headquarters.

Who can participate in ACCIONA?

Latina enterpreneurs, start-ups and business owners in the state of Georgia who graduated from the Latina Enterpreneurship Program, Avanzando Juntas! or those that can demostrate the following basic requirements:

  • A Georgia business registration (License)
  • A Business Plan
  • A 3 years financial statements

What we offer?

If your business is accepted into the accelerator, as a member of ACCIONA you will receive multiple resources to support the growth of your business. Based on the membership you will have access to the following benefits:

ACCIONA Executive Membership ($150 – $250 monthly)
It’s a year membership for Latina small business owners who needs a rental space.

  1. Mentor interaction opportunities
  2. Access to a customer service digital platform
  3. Opportunities to engage in monthly workshops
  4. Conference room availability
  5. Preferential participation in networking events, seminars and workshops
  6. Accesibility to LAA’s conference room up to three times per year
  7. Participation in the ACCIONA business directory
  8. Office rental for one year

ACCIONA Business Membership ($50 monthly)
It’s a year membership for small business owners who have a workspace elsewhere and are looking for floating rental space and technical assistance, training and mentorship.

  1. Mentor interaction opportunities
  2. Access to a customer service digital platform
  3. Opportunities to engage in monthly workshops
  4. Conference room availability
  5. Preferential participation in networking events, seminars and workshops
  6. Accesibility to LAA’s conference room up to three times per year
  7. Participation in the ACCIONA business directory
  8. Office rental up to 4 hours per week

ACCIONA Gold Star Membership ($30 montly)
It’s a year membership for small business owners who have a workspace elsewhere and are looking for technical assistance, training and mentorship opportunities

  1. Mentor interaction opportunities
  2. Access to a customer service digital platform
  3. Opportunities to engage in monthly workshops
  4. Participation in the ACCIONA business directory
  5. Preferential participation in networking events, seminars and workshops

The Business center will evaluate the applications, interview and invite selected members.

APPLY TO ACCIONA using the following link:

For additional information please contact: Gerardo Lopez at

  • Español